5 popular fictional characters with mental illness

Mental illness touches the lives of everyone: whether they realize it or not. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), mental illness will affect 20% of Canadians at least once in their life. Real people aren’t the only ones…

This FDA-approved study is using ecstasy to treat PTSD

BY: MIROSLAV TOMOSKI The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) out of Santa Cruz, California has been approved by the FDA to conduct a series of six studies into whether MDMA can help those with treatment-resistant PTSD. Researchers believe that…

Veterans experiencing PTSD are healing with the help of wolves

BY: CAROLINE ROLF Thousands of brave men and women travel overseas to serve their country, often finding themselves in unimaginable situations. When they return home, it can be extremely difficult to readjust from what they’ve seen during their service. Even…

This ex-marine is overcoming his PTSD by travelling and exploring the world

BY: ZOE MELNYK While some live by the philosophy that laughter is the best medicine, this ex-marine is trying to prove that there really is no higher remedy than the healing powers of being in nature and exploring every inch…

Oculus Rift Is Now Being Used to Treat PTSD, Addictions, Anxiety Disorders and Phobias

BY: LISA CUMMING Despite being the brainchild of a teenage boy with no background in engineering, the Oculus Rift has sent the tech world into a tailspin. Hailed as the “holy grail of virtual reality gaming”, the system’s reach doesn’t…