Modern psychedelic science is reviving lost research and finding new cures

The future is bright; its colours, sights and sounds more vibrant and steeped in a better understanding of our consciousness and it’s brought to you by the wonders of psychedelic science. It is a field of study with a storied…

Meet the reverend who showed us why the Bible is a how-to-manual for getting high

BY: MIROSLAV TOMOSKI There is a common understanding across many cultures and religions that an altered state of mind can foster a spiritual experience. For some, this sort of religious experience conjures thoughts of meditation and other mysterious Eastern practices.…

An eye-opening trip on mushrooms could help you quit smoking

BY: QUENTIN STUCKEY The realization and medical research on the adverse effects of smoking in the 1960s gave birth to a new type of health industry. The media created a dramatic shift in cultural attitude when people were no longer…

Every issue of London’s controversial psychedelic underground magazine is now available online

 BY: JESSICA BEUKER The University of Wollongong is the only source on the Internet to features every page of the counterculture magazine, OZ—an influential, yet highly controversial psychedelic underground publication that ran in London between 1967 and 1973. The magazine…

An underground network of psychedelic temples hidden under the Alps celebrates humanity

BY: TREVOR HEWITT Hidden 30 metres below ground behind a secret door for over a decade, the Temples of Humankind are as beautiful as they are shrouded in mystery. Stretching hundreds of metres across, the eight connected rooms take up…

In Nepal, Datura is a holy psychedelic, but in the wrong hands it can become “The Devil’s Breath”

BY: TJ MOREY Scopolamine, the Devil’s Breath, Devil’s Apple, are some of the well-known and highly conspicuous names attributed to Datura, a deadly plant that has garnered enough attention, respect, and fear amongst the hardest of psychonauts. Found abundantly and…