This matchmaking service will impersonate you online and find you love

BY: BROOKLYN PINHEIRO Behind the purple frames of her glasses, Anne Marshall is scanning her seventeenth page of dating profiles. “Are you fucking kidding me?” she asks herself. “You don’t have to say you don’t like rap music, you’re fifty-two…

Dating outside binaries: OkCupid adds over 70 new gender and sexuality options

BY: AL DONATO Finding love on the Internet is hard. And for anyone hooking up often means to lying your ass off. All mainstream dating sites are notorious for ignoring LGBTQ individuals’ diverse identities. For gender, choosing between just male…

Turned on by serial killers, rapists and burglars? will help you find love behind bars

BY: PILGRIM From the “sexual menu” of Tinder to the moral disposal of Ashley Madison, the online dating world has brought our generation some unique opportunities. Now is your chance to find that “bad boy/girl” type you’ve always been looking…