Scientists used a snail to prove they can successfully erase memories from the brain

Humans are fallible. We’ve all goofed up over the years in ways large and small. Who could forget, for instance, accidentally calling your teacher “Mom?” Or maybe you accidentally let slip that you know a little too much about the…

Why you should ditch the digital and document your life with a film camera

BY: LIZ PEKLER These days, people capture their memories mostly using a smartphone or some other digital camera. We live in a world where convenience is king, and nothing is more convenient than having a camera that can take nearly…

Top 7 childhood memories that are secretly sadistic

BY: THE PLAID ZEBRA When you’re a child, things go over your head. But once the cold hard world has pissed all over your cotton candy dreams, sometimes a reassessment of childhood memories will forever change their connotation. Brace yourself.…