Which Countries are Most Likely to Legalize Cannabis Next?

2019 was an incredible year for the cannabis legalization effort, with landmark victories in countries like Canada, Ireland, Israel and Australia. Since then, an increasing number of countries — along with U.S. states — have reassessed legislation around the cannabis…

This timeline shows how weed has been stirring up controversy for over a century (infographic)

Marijuana has been a prevalent part of society for over a century, yet the debate still rages on over whether or not it should be legalized. Today, marijuana is largely known for its healing properties, often used as a natural…

The Weed Revolution will, in fact, be televised

BY: TYLER FYFE Bernard Noble’s eyelids peel back to the sound of a loud speaker. At 5 a.m. he swallows a ketchup cup of assorted medication. He remembers the day the levee failed and a wall of saltwater, cinderblocks, and…