France gives the middle finger to climate change by shutting down all of its coal power plants by 2023

BY: JESSICA BEUKER  It’s that time of year again; the annual climate gathering run by the UN saw experts, lawmakers and organizations gathering in Morocco this week to discuss the current state of the planet, and the current uphill battle…

Why Psychopaths Are Great “CEO Material”

BY: ANGIE PICCIRILLO  For anyone who has ever worked in a hostile corporate environment, the intense personalities of executives are all too familiar and far too scary. These peoples’ personalities can be described as devious, competitive and lacking empathy. They…

Turns out introverts are significantly better leaders than extroverts for 21st century work

BY: DANIEL WATERBORNE During the 20th century, introverts were social oddities that would hopefully be cured of their awkwardness by team sports or summer camp, or else inside the alcohol-sticky drywall of college frat parties. The 20th century was the…