Study indicates that hungry grocery shoppers could make better choices if they knew where to look

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  We’re all guilty of grocery shopping while we’re hungry. And what usually happens? Well, let’s just say we end up spending more than we wanted, and eating more, too. Somehow when you’re hungry, everything at the grocery…

This is the greatest man you’ve never heard of

Norman Borlaug is the greatest man you’ve never heard of. Winner of a Nobel Peace Prize, Borlaug completely changed the agricultural industry. Originally commencing his studies at the University of Minnesota with a strong interest in wrestling, he soon developed an enthusiasm for plant…

These American-poverty commercials are parodying condescending World Vision ads

The next sad-eyed, impoverished child you see totting donations from developed countries might be the face of an American. Looking to extend a hand to a struggling nation, feed the hungry, and make your positive contribution to the world? It’s…