BY: ROB HOFFMAN Ken Kesey took his first tab of acid in a government control room. “How did the substance make you feel?” Asked the nurse. “I felt like I discovered a hole in the centre of the Earth and…
Hippies, drugs & street art: at this lawless commune citizens build their homes on the oceanfront
BY: MATTHEW CHIN Off the Eastern coast of Denmark, in the heart of Copenhagen lies Freetown Christiania, a hippie commune with its own government and unique set of laws. Potheads, hippies, artists, idealists, and non-materialists are all welcomed in this…
The True Hippie Died When Narco-Capitalism Hit Goa
BY: TJ MOREY Present day Goa—dancing away into the haze of a drug-induced delirium, you will find a stereotypical hippie clamouring to keep sense of reality, or to whatever he can perceive of it. Mind you, this doesn’t come for…