Are green energy technologies a realistic option for most people?

BY: OLLIE WHITE Once considered a concept practiced mostly by businesses, industries and wealthy individuals, today green energy technologies are getting more and more popular among ordinary households and families, both in urban and rural areas. And while there is…

Singapore aims to have more than 80 per cent of its buildings green by 2030

BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS    The Pacific Rim has long since been one of the most densely populated areas on Earth. Inhabited by humans for thousands of years, different cultures have found different ways to maximize the potential of soggy…

Hawaii wants 100 per cent renewable transportation by 2045

Header Image © Edmund Garman Hawaii wants all of its ground transportation to fuel up using renewable energy by 2045. It’s a big step, but Hawaii is already showing commitments to similar policies. It already has some of the most aggressive renewable…

Henry Ford built a plastic car in 1941 that was stronger than steel (VIDEO)

(Source: © John Lloyd/Flickr/Licence) With electric cars just beginning to become practical, one has to imagine where we’d be if we had started thinking greener with our automobiles over 70 years ago. All the decades we could have spent dealing with…

These wind turbines disguised as trees could populate city streets.

BY: AYA TSINTZIRAS Jerome Michaud-Lariviere has invented The Wind Tree, a windmill that looks like a tree. Made of metal, it has 72 fake leaves that are actually turbines, and looks like a piece of art. The most significant part:…

If you’re sick of suburbia and paying heating bills, Earthships might be your way out

BY: DANIEL KORN Earthships, created by architect Mike Reynolds, are houses constructed with a combination of natural and recycled material that have been built for minimal reliance on public utilities or fossil fuels. Structural walls are typically made of recycled…

This 23-year-old New Yorker hasn’t produced any trash in over 2 years

BY: SINEAD MULHERN Want to ditch all that garbage you’ve been sending to the landfills? That’s what New Yorker Lauren Singer, 23, took on three years ago. Today she lives a trash free life. She has even started a company…

Vertical gardens are the key to self-sufficiency in the city

BY: KATY WILLIS For many, the term “urban living” or “city living” means cramped living environments, no urban gardens, pollution, grim, grey, ugly exteriors, and concrete and glass as far as the eye can see. These people assume – including…