With summer finally here many people already have thriving gardens. But if you are a late bloomer, or a procrastinator like me, then you might have some last minute arrangements to make. Not everyone can have a green thumb, some…
The organic gardener’s guide to greenhouses
BY: JENN FRENCH The green revolution was slow to start, but now more than 60 per cent of American households have resolved to be more sustainable. With that comes an increased interest in home gardening fruits, vegetables, herbs and other…
Zera Food Recycler turns food waste into fertilizer in 24 hours
BY: SHAWNTAE HARRIS Gardening season is here, which means that now is the time to fertilize those plants. The summer is the time to save money by growing vegetables right from your own garden. However, maintaining a beautiful garden and…
Easy garden: these plants water themselves with clay pot
If you’re the type of person who never wants to water the plants, this is the plant for you. The forgetful task of maintaining a full garden is now figured out. Clayola is a device that injects water into the…
Research shows that gardening makes you healthier and more relaxed
Gardening has often been dismissed as the pastime of senior citizens looking to fill their post-retirement days, but what if the mental health benefits outweigh any preconceived notions one may have had about this eco-friendly act. Gardening allows people suffering…
This Bronx teacher has changed the lives of inner-city kids by helping them grow their own food
By: JACK M. Stephen Ritz is a school teacher and administrator in one of America’s toughest and poorest districts – New York’s South Bronx. He teaches science, and his home base is one of the most troubled schools within…
Permaculture: Realizing that food comes from the ground, not a store
BY: PILGRIM The short-term benefits of environmental abuse are too large to abandon, at least with the threat of disaster so far at bay. We’ve still got about 15, maybe 20 years before the fire of climate change arrives. How…