Saying goodbye to my father after his death

Try as he might, my dad never could teach me how to fish. He was an avid fisher himself, organizing trips throughout the year to fishing holes around the state. He didn’t have a preferred method either; he owned a…

An abandoned fishing village in China literally being swallowed by nature (Photos)

BY: JESSICA BEUKER Gouqi Island, located in the mouth of the Yangtze River, is one of the 18 inhabitable islands of the nearly 400 in the Shengsi archipelago. The islands are surrounded by vast blue sea, golden beaches, deep caves…

8 reasons why Hemingway was the most interesting man in the world

BY: TED BARNABY  Ernest Hemingway completed seven novels, six short story collections and two non-fiction works in his lifetime—and three more novels, four short story collections and three non-fiction works that were published after his death. He received the Nobel…

What Is Considered By Many To Be The Oldest Living Animal Is Eight Stories Tall And Lives Off The BC Coast.

BY: SINEAD MULHERN It sounds mythical but it’s true. What many biologists consider to be one of the oldest living animals lives deep beneath the waters of the Hecate Strait off the northern coast of Vancouver Island. The glass coral…