Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Lush Cosmetics held a gathering at their Queen Street West location in order to honour the incredible life and work of award-winning documentary maker and visionary Rob Stewart. They also took the opportunity to lend their…
Giraffes are headed for extinction and why no one saw it coming
BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS What kinds of animals might you see on a safari on the Serengeti? Wildebeest, elephants, antelopes, lions… giraffes? Not for long, say scientists, who have recently moved the unmistakable long-necked mammal to “vulnerable” status. This sudden…
Here are 5 things you can do about Earth’s sixth mass extinction (being afraid isn’t one)
BY: JESSICA BEUKER Recently my newsfeed and computer screen have been attempting to scare me. I’ve been flooded by headlines and stories that read, “Earth’s sixth mass extinction has begun and it’s all our faults.” Some read “Humans under threat,”…
This activist is fighting the decline of the honey bee with explosive city street art
BY: ROB HOFFMAN Louis Masai hates the label “street artist.” In fact he rejects any label or stereotype that corners him into a specific category. He doesn’t see himself as an activist either. Mainly, he just wants to include everyone…
The Beekeeper Stands Between Humans And Extinction (Documentary)
BY: THE PLAID ZEBRA There is a tiny insect that labours so tirelessly that our very lives depend on their work. According to the British Beekeepers Association a single bee colony pollinates 4,000 m² of fruit trees and 70 different…