Best places to see graffiti in Toronto

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  Growing up in Toronto, I’ve never thought much about graffiti. It was always something within the backdrop of my visual experience. Bold, intricate — sometimes simplistic  — artwork amid the city’s contemporary and historical landscape is a…

I don’t need to go makeup free to discover my “true” beauty

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  I can almost hear the snarky remarks, and chuckles when we talk about women and makeup. Whether we want to admit it or not, makeup is one of those things that elicits amusement from the opposite sex.…

Hippie culture isn’t dead – Goa remains a vibrant paradise governed by peace and love

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  When we think of hippie culture we are reminiscent of 1960s and ’70s America, where peace signs and protest movements were a major driving force for political and social change — both domestically and globally. Today, hippie…

Becoming a Drag Queen: behind the garters and glitter

BY BROOKLYN PINHEIRO For her first professional performance Willow Pill stood on stage wearing a pink ’90s housewife tracksuit, complete with glasses and a pearl necklace, while she delivered a stand-up comedy routine. “Are you ever worried you’re going to…

This interactive map is your guide to every single music festival in the world

BY: JESSICA BEUKER In the last decade, music festivals have grown significantly in popularity. What was once considered a pastime of the hippie culture – grown out of notable music festivals such as Woodstock –  has gone on to become…