The top environment news of the month

Across the world, there is plenty of news that supports the view that we are in deep trouble. With North Korea carrying out missile tests every other day, the Trump presidency appearing all the more like a bad sitcom, and…

This bike shop will let you trade in your old car for a new electric bike

BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS We love our cars. From the day that the first Model T’s rolled off the assembly line, the Western world has developed a long love affair with the four-wheeled chariot of the people. Our love of…

Beijing is replacing all of its taxis with electric cars to fight pollution

BY: ELIJAH BASSETT In China’s capital city, Beijing, tens of thousands of taxi drivers spend countless hours on the road every day, while the city – and country – faces a pollution crisis that has been seriously harmful to both the…

Solar power and electric vehicles to overtake fossil fuels by 2050

BY: DUSTIN BATTY The future looks bleak for the fossil fuel industry, according to a report recently released by the Carbon Tracker Initiative, which was working with the Graham Institute at Imperial College London. Despite predictions by BP, ExxonMobil, and…