Zaha Hadid Architects reveals plans for stunning Eco Park and football stadium

BY: SHAWTAE HARRIS  Gloucestershire, England will have a new Eco Park that features a technology hub connected to a stadium. Zaha Hadid Architects is planning to build a glasshouse-like structure and bridge that will connect to the world’s first wooden football…

This prefab eco-home in the forest spins around at the push of a button to let in optimal sunlight

BY: ROB HOFFMAN Eighty miles from New York City’s bustling core is a rotating wooden structure, resembling an alien spacecraft and designed to withstand nearly any disaster. It is an ecological mansion of epic proportions that resides atop a 28-acre…

Bulletproof, fireproof, environmentally friendly homes are being made from plastic bottles

BY: JESSICA BEUKER The streets of downtown Toronto are vibrant and busy at all times of the day. During the day business women rapidly click their heels and talk a mile a minute into their cellphones. Students hustle off to…

You could live at this lakeside eco-hostel made entirely out of recycled materials for $2.50 a day

BY: MATTHEW CHIN In Bolivia, one of the most isolated countries on earth with most of its landscapes untapped, one woman built an environmentally friendly hostel next to the lake. Hermana Libertad dubbed her eco-hostel “Kasa cultural Sol y Luna”…

Ecocapsule is a portable, completely self-sustaining home that lets you live anywhere in the world

BY: JESSICA BEUKER Maybe your job requires you to travel or move around a lot, and you’re sick of living in hotel rooms with views of concrete parking lots. Maybe the pencil-pushing desk job has you thinking that you’re on…

This ex-business man moved to the wilderness at 29, and lived without money for years

BY: TED BARNABY Mark Boyle is one of the only men on earth who can claim an entirely money-free life—at least for a few years. Boyle’s moneyless journey began in 2008, spending the next two years living completely self-sustainably. He…