Put down that controller! It’s a refrain that we’ve probably heard many times in our lives. Stop fiddling with your phone! You can’t play that video game right now, you’ve got homework to do! It’s no surprise that for a…
Conservationists are using drones for more than taking cool pictures- they’re saving wildlife
BY: ELIJAH BASSETT Most of us can’t imagine an elephant intruding on our daily lives, and new findings by wildlife researchers may bring that same peace of mind to Tanzanians as well. Both elephants and humans in Tanzania had been…
The 10 best drone photos of 2015 will take you on a virtual tour around the world
BY: JONATHAN MOSS Why pack your bags when you can travel the world right this second? Dronestagram just posted a collection of drone footage that will take you on a virtual tour across the world, from the blue skies of…
This former NASA engineer will use drones to plant 1 billion trees a year to save the world’s forests
BY: MATTHEW CHIN Deforestation is one of the largest contributors to global warming, with the forestry industry valued at $606 billion globally, according to the UN Food and Agricultre Organization. Not only are forests being cut down, but much of…