Wattpad wants to turn your short story into a television show

BY: ELIJAH BASSETT What if your passion project could make it onto TV? With the recent deal between Wattpad (a Toronto-based self-publishing platform) and Universal Cable Productions (part of NBCUniversal), it’s more likely now than ever. This new arrangement will allow Universal to…

Stephen King wrote the top 20 rules for writers and many of them can be applied to your everyday life

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP Even if you’re not an adamant reader, you know who Stephen King is. How could you not know about someone who has written over 54 novels, 6 non-fiction books, over 200 short stories, and has sold over…

The truth behind Hemingway’s advice to “write drunk, edit sober”

Ernest Hemingway’s famous advice was to “write drunk, edit sober”. Although there is a lot of debate as to whether he actually said this, the question remains: does alcohol help with the writing process? Many brilliant writers were also heavy…

This author drilled a hole in his head to stay permanently high

BY: ADRIAN SMITH Joe Mellen laughs from his side of our Skype call when I ask him what the sensation feels like today, “I’m not aware of the difference anymore. It was 45 years ago.” He had run into Bart…

Former Bumfights star went from homelessness to being a property manager, activist and author

BY: TED BARNABY Former “Bumfights” star, Rufus Hannah, has since retired from a life of homelessness and alcoholism to become a property manager, activist, and author. “Bumfights” first aired on the Internet in 2002, a product of Indecline Films—a less…