Backpacking jobs: How to work while you travel

If you want to travel the world but can’t afford to quit working entirely, then scoring some awesome jobs while backpacking is essential. Becoming location independent is hard work, and unless you win the lottery, it is something that will take time…

9 tips for how to pack and travel with only a carry-on

Have you ever thought about ditching your monster of a suitcase and travelling with only a carry-on? Depending on your type of trip, as well as the duration, it might just be a viable option. Think about the benefits: Money. As in,…

Backpacking sleeping pad: Why you should invest in a good night’s sleep

Getting a good nights sleep on the road can be hard. Especially so if your sleeping plans involve a tent, a car, or the cold, cold ground. Trust that if you plan on sleeping in locations that don’t involve a…

Backpacking Checklist: Everything you should have in your bag

Planning for a big backpacking trip can be stressful, and you wouldn’t be the first if you got to the airport and suddenly realized you forgot something important at home (although hopefully it’s not your eight-year-old son). Every backpacking trip…

How one traveller turned $2,500 into six years of travel

By: Zoe Melnyk Laura Bronner started off like any one of us. Hustling to get through school, and working in the bitter world of commission and customer service. However, after graduating from college at the age of 22, Bronner had…