Solving a problem creatively demands the sort of non-linear thinking that frees us from everyday, familiar reasoning. This is the crucial step to creative problem-solving that’s perhaps the most hard for people to overcome when trying to think up what to write about, paint or maybe how to approach a tricky building project. The problems we most often deal with are logical, rewarding us for thinking linearly. It has left us to expect all solutions to have a reliable structure to follow. But for the artist, following any one reliable structure risks chasing the passé and reiterating the rote, a waste of time when people want new insights: the familiar made new.
So creating something powerful then is a matter of letting the congeries of inspiration knock around and interact in your mind in all different ways until something striking comes into view. This is not as hard as it may seem. Recently, science has revealed that walking helps sort through this process to help come up with a novel idea. Hacking your “flow” is another potent method to reach a creative state. The problem with coming up with something creative is not due to an inability to be creative, but as recent science has revealed, a matter of not thinking hard enough: