There is no better way for travellers to understand a country than to embed themselves in its cultural celebrations. World festivals are living museums of traditions that let you live and breathe the culture instead of being an onlooker.
If you’re a travel junkie and are looking for your next injection of worldly experience, add some of these festivals to your bucket list.
1. Yi Peng Lantern Festival (Thailand)
2. Agitagueda Art Festival (Portugal)
3. Holi Colour Festival (India)
4. Winter Light Festival (Japan)
5. Golden Retriever Festival (Scotland)
6. Mohácsi Busójárás (Hungary)
7. Floating Lantern (Hawaii)
8. The International Highline Festival (Italy)
9. Albuquerque Balloon Fest (USA)
10. Sapporo Snow Festival (Japan)
11. Dia De Los Muertos Festival (Mexico)
12. Burning Man (USA)
13. The Fuji Shibazakura Festival (Japan)
14. Songkran Water Festival (Thailand)
15. Rouketopolemos Rocket War (Greece)
16. Jaipur Elephant Festival (India)
17. North Carolina Merfest
18. La Tomatina (Spain)
19. Cannabis Cup (USA)
20. Cinco de Mayo (Mexico)