With a new home comes a new phase. You get a welcomed change of things and the opportunity for new beginnings. If you are designing your own home, it’s not just the cherry on the cake. It’s another cake by itself!
Whether it’s a mansion or an apartment, designing your home has a convenient way of doing it, and here are the steps to do it as smoothly as possible.
Track those bills!
This might sound like something more suited for old people but trust us when we say that it’s essential for you to know how deep you can dig in your pockets so that you can build the house you’ve always dreamt of!
Though it might not be evident while creating a custom design, the expenses can add up quickly once you start converting your plans to reality. Hence, you must face those tough decisions and trim your item wishlist to accommodate the maximum items.
With, several things come into play. For example, the fees of the architects and site workers, building permits, foundation, framing and whatnot. So, anticipating these expenses while planning is the best way to go.
Also read: How to design a home
Don’t let things be out of place.
Remember when Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory explained why he loved that specific position on the sofa was because of the lighting, the TV angle, and the breeze? Well, you might want to think similarly when thinking about the placement.
Placing the rooms might differentiate between an ill-planned home and the perfect home most people think of. The amount of natural light in the rooms influences where you place each room. You might want the sun in cool places and some shade in warmer ones. There is the drainage to consider if you’re thinking of a hilly area.
Along with this, many more things are there to be planned. For example, if you don’t decide to cut trees off, then you have to allow them the space to grow. You might want a shed in the future, so think about where it goes. And lastly, how can we forget the window view? When you’re done designing your home and want to sell it you should do some Home Staging.
Life & Lifestyle come first.
Now that we are done with the technical part, it’s time to think about the question that matters the most. Will you and your family be happy in your dream home?
After all, it’s your home, your dream turned reality. So, it should be just the way you want, and not add inconvenience. Apart from the bedrooms and the kitchen, do you have space to relax?
Are the bedrooms perfectly sized? Do you have enough storage space if you need it? Can you build a comfy in-home office for someone working from home? How about keeping indoor plants? Does a room need more indoor lights, or will natural light work?
All these questions need to have answers, and you should think of them. In fact, it would be great if you jot down points about your plans for each room. That way, everything will proceed just as planned.