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Bowhunting for Beginners: Tips and Advice
Bowhunting is surely a thrilling way to hunt, which requires you to get in close range to take a shot. Archery dates back to 10,000 BC and it’s one of the oldest forms of hunting. If you are just starting bowhunting, it can get intimidating with all the terminology, gear, and equipment involved. We have compiled a list of tips and advice from the best hunting experts and their experience.
As a beginner, you may think why you should take bowhunting as a sport when you can use guns and rifles for hunting.
Bow-hunters pick up this sport because of the challenge they are presented with to aim with a stick and string. It is a sport that requires people to get in a close range to hunt. It is a famous sport among youth and women. Bowhunting is great for your health; as drawing a bowstring engages all of your upper body muscles and increases your hand-eye coordination and strength.
There are different types of bows such as longbow, recurve, crossbow, and compound.
A longbow is a traditional straight longbow made of wood. These days it is also made of composite materials such as fiberglass being a part of it.
Recurve bow is an evolved form of the longbow and dates back to more than 2500 years ago. To enhance durability and strength, new models incorporate carbon materials and fiberglass.
Crossbows are most commonly used these days. They are legal to use for hunting in every state except Oregon. It’s a small bow that is mounted to a gunstock. They are easier to use than other bows.
Compound bows are the newest type of bows and are a lot more powerful than others.
Fundamentals of learning to shoot a Bow
Keep the following things in mind when practicing for bowhunting.
- Stance
Always stand upright with your body sideways to your target, feet should be apart as per your shoulder width and your weight evenly distributed between them.
- Nocking
When you’re placing an arrow on the bow, the odd color vane should be facing toward you. The nock fits on the string at a specific spot market by beads fitted to the string.
- Aiming
The most important factor in aiming is to maintain your stance as mentioned above. If you have a proper draw, you should be looking directly down the arrow aligning it with the target you are trying to hit.
- Drawing
When you’re drawing, make sure the arm holding the bow should be straight. The elbow of the drawing arm should be kept high. Keep pulling back until your hand is anchored at a point along your jaw and cheek just below your eyes so that you can see straight down the arrow at the target.
- Release
When you’re at a full draw position, and you’re sure that you have a good aim at your target, relax the muscles of your string fingers until the arrow is loose.
Essential Bowhunting Gear and Equipment
- Bow Sight – Most hunters use a bow sight and there are multiple options ranging from simply fixed pins and set for different ranges.
- Bow Release – These are useful because they provide a reliable arrow release and enhance arrow stability and precision.
- Bow Stabilizer – It helps stabilize the aim and bow stabilizers have rubber materials that help with silencing the blow on the release of the arrow.
- Arrow Rest – It’s a part of the bow that supports the arrow during the draw and release stage. There are many options available for the archer to choose from in the market.
- Hunting Clothing – Buy camo gear to conceal yourself from the prey.
- Binoculars – A good pair of binoculars can help you a great deal while stalking your prey.
Preparations for Successful Hunting
Scouting- Find the place where the animals are moving to and from, feeding, and sleeping, and the best spots to set up your stands.
Gear Prep – Prepare a checklist and pack your gear the day before.
Set Up your Treestand – Try to set up your treestand weeks before the season
Bagging your First Kill – Be prepared to experience buck fever while aiming directly at your prey. When you take a kill shot, you will have to track it and field dress the animal to take out its internal organs.
Bowhunting is a long learning process and it can take years of practice. But, once you master it, it’s the most thrilling and enjoyable form of hunting.