After using the toilet, we don’t exactly think twice before flushing. But maybe we should.
Urine therapy makes the most of urine and is believed to cure an array of illnesses including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and even asthma.
Say what?
Apparently, urine is one of the most popular holistic medical treatments in the world. In India, urine therapy is called ” shivambu,” meaning “the water of Shiva.” It was used by former Prime Minister Moraji Desai.
I think it’s safe to assume that most of us don’t regard urine as sanitary. In fact, the idea of repurposing urine is cringe-worthy.
Urine is a by-product of blood filtration, not waste. It is a purified derivative of blood itself. Nutrient-filled blood makes its way into the liver where toxins are excreted as solid waste. Eventually this purified blood makes its way into the kidneys. It is there where excess water, vitamins, salt, minerals, uric acid, and many other elements are collected in the form of a sterile solution, known as urine.
The kidneys balance out the elements in our blood. Urine is considered by many as a source of food. Several studies point to urine as a source of chemicals and nutrients that aid the body in its daily functions. When it is reused, it acts as a natural vaccine and antiviral, an anti-carcinogenic, a hormone balancer, and an allergy reliever.
Urine cannot be duplicated. No two people will have the same vitamins and components in their urine. So the next time you feel unoriginal, look no further!
And it depends on the time of the day you drink it. Nothing beats fresh morning urine. (And you thought I was going to say coffee.) At this time, it is the most potent.
Urine therapists suggest fresh urine can be placed directly under the tongue. And it’s not just orally. Self-urine can be used as eye drops, ear drops, and therapy for sore throats. It can help clear up mucus and blocked nasal passages. Inhaling urine can relieve sinus and respiratory infections.
And if you are turned off by the idea of using your own urine, just look at the back of some facial products. Urea is one of the primary ingredients in many skin creams and moisturizers because it is extremely good for the skin. Urea increases the skin’s ability to retain moisture. If you want to reap the benefits of your personalized fluorescent solution, you should bathe and rub in it.
The older your urine is, the higher level of potency it is. Urine that is stored for days can help restore burns, scars, and even skin tissues. Scientific research on urine therapy began after the Second World War. Companies realized that there was more money in selling its extract than in advertising urine as self-healing.
The idea that we can drink what comes from down there is a hard idea to swallow. But if you’re looking for a different ‘natural’ alternative to your health woes, perhaps you need to look into urine therapy.