The aftermath of the Vietnam War still burdens many of its people. During the war Agent Orange, a deadly chemical, was released into the country to destroy the forests and land. Approximately 4.8 million people died from Agent Orange and 400,000 children were born with birth defects.
Photographer Nguyen Vu Phuoc has captured images of one of the 400,000 children affected by Agent Orange to show that despite the obstacles one may face, there is still beauty in the struggle. In North Vietnam a young girl named Nguyet lives with her parents, and cares for her nephew and niece. In his article for Bored Panda, Phuoc describes Nguyet as “an energetic girl with difficulties in a disabled body and deprivation material.”
Nguyet is one of the 400,000 children affected by Agent Orange from the Vietnam War.
Nguyet was born without her arms, and performs all daily tasks with her feet and legs. She completes house work on a daily basis as well as caring for her niece and nephew with just her legs. Despite her challenges, she continues to help out and support her family in any way that she can.
Phuoc describes Nguyet as “an energetic girl with difficulties in a disabled body and deprivation material.”
Nguyet was born without her arms, and performs all daily tasks with her feet and legs.
Each day she cooks, cleans and cares for her young niece and nephew.
Despite her challenges, she continues to help out and support her family in any way that she can.
Seeing her ability to do household chores with only her feet changes our perspective on tasks that we often complain about. She is truly remarkable. The way she manages to not only care for herself but to care for her family is more than admirable.
When she is not caring for her family, she loves to read and do research on the Internet to enhance her knowledge and continue to learn.
Nguyet hopes to one day be able to live completely independently in her own house in the village.
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