If you’ve never been on a road trip before, it’s time for it to go on your bucket list. Maybe your dream road trip is only a two day adventure or maybe it’s driving across the country for months. Whatever your ideal road trip is, they all have a few things in common. You need good company, lots of music, endless snacks and of course road trip games.
Put away your phones, turn off your tablets and turn down the music because these road trips will make time on the road fly by. From games for movie addicts to games sure to test your creativity, there’s a game for everyone. Whether you’re a beginner road trip gamer or an expert, these games will make your road trip unforgettable.
These are the 5 best games to play on your road trip:
1. Test your optimism and pessimism: Fortunately/Unfortunately
Everyone in the car will have to get creative for this one. As the title of the game suggests, the point of the game is to make a fortunate situation out of an unfortunate situation.
Rules: The first person starts by saying “fortunately” and saying something positive that has happened during the trip. The next person responds by saying “unfortunately” and saying something negative about the first situation. The game continues going back and forth between fortunate and unfortunate situations. If somebody stumbles they get a strike. Three strikes and you’re out. Last person who doesn’t strike out, wins.
Example: Fortunately, we’re an hour ahead of schedule!
Unfortunately, we’re running out of gas.
Fortunately, we’re splitting gas so it’s not as expensive!
2. Music lovers unite: Human Jukebox
If you and your road trip buddies love music and singing, this will be a hit. Everyone will connect different song lyrics to create a sing-a-long.
Rules: The first passenger sings a line from a well-known song, preferably one that the other passengers know. The next person up has to connect the last word from that lyric to another song. The game keeps going until someone messes up a lyric or can’t think of one.
Example: “Biggie, biggie, biggie, can’t you see…” (Biggie Smalls)
…I must’ve called you a thousand times, to tell you…” (Adele)
“…I kissed a girl and I liked it.” (Katy Perry)
3. Movie-goers will kill this one: Six Degrees of Separation
Six degrees of separation is a theory that everyone in the world is connected through six or less relationships. For this game, use this theory to connect actors through movies they have been in.
Rules: One person in the car names two different movie or television stars and everyone in the car must try to find a link between the two in six steps or less. If it can’t be solved in six steps, the round is over.
Example: Denzel Washington and Jennifer Lawrence.
- Denzel Washington and Viola Davis starred in Fences together.
- Viola Davis and Hugh Jackman starred in Prisoners together.
- Hugh Jackman and Jennifer Lawrence starred in X-Men: Days of Future Past together.
4. Make it what you want: Would You Rather
This is a staple drinking game, but it can be transformed into a great road trip game. This game can be funny, strange, dirty or just gross. Just think of two different things or activities and ask your road trip friends which one they would rather do.
Rules: Everyone has to answer, no matter how hard it gets!
Example: Would you rather be itchy for the rest of your life or be sticky for the rest of your life?
5. The classic: The Alphabet Game
Don’t quote me, but I’m pretty sure this game has been around as long as road tripping. To play this old favourite, all of the passengers go through the alphabet using words on signs.
Rules: Everyone has to find words in alphabetical order using billboards, road signs and businesses, but not on license plates. Whoever gets to the end of the alphabet first is the winner. Also, no one can repeat a word already said.
Example: A- Arby’s! B- Bear Viewing Area sign. C- Coffee stop.