Even today, talking to a counsellor still has a stigma attached to it. If you’re seeing a counsellor, something must be wrong, right? Not necessarily! Although you should definitely talk to a counsellor during times when you are feeling overwhelmed or like you need help working through something your are dealing with, it can also be beneficial to talk to a counsellor during times when you feel things are good.
Talking to a counsellor can help you better understand yourself and make the good things in your life even greater!
There are tons of counsellors out there, so you are bound to be able to find one in your area that you can talk to. If you are looking for a counsellor in Langley, BC, for example, you can check out Shoreline Counselling.
Counsellors can provide an objective view of whatever you are dealing with.
Although your friends and family will likely be more than willing to listen to you and help you work through your problems, they will not be able to give you a totally objective perspective. They may mean well, but they will come with their own opinions and experiences that will influence the advice they are giving you. Counsellors will be able to approach things neutrally and learn to understand your thought process in order to give you advice that will truly serve you.
You get one hour a week to focus solely on yourself.
Talking to a counsellor can be a great addition to your self-care routine. Each appointment will give you an opportunity to focus on nothing but yourself, which can be really beneficial. Throughout each day you have to deal with problems from other people, whether they are co-workers, friends and family, or others. Though these may not feel overwhelming, or you feel good about where you are right now, taking one hour to take a step back and focus on only yourself will leaving you feeling great.
Build better relationships.
If you have relationships that you would like to see improved, deepened, or altered, talking to a counsellor is a great way to develop the skills to do so. By taking the time to better understand yourself, you will be able to understand other people better.
Helps you love yourself more.
Through talking to a counsellor, you will learn more and more about yourself and how you deal with things. Through this, you will gain skills and insight that will improve your relationship with yourself, which is something everything can benefit from. You will develop new coping mechanisms and be able to better handle anything that comes at you. This will then translate into greater self-confidence, which will radiate out into your relationships with other people!
Even good changes can be overwhelming.
We are constantly going through changes in our lives, and sometimes big changes can be difficult to process. Even if it is a good change, like an exciting new job or moving to a new city, it is still a change and it will affect you. Talking to a counsellor can help you process all the feelings you have about these changes and make sure you are dealing with them in healthy ways.
Talking to a counsellor is always beneficial. It can help you treat any problems you have, but also hep you improve an already good life. It helps you connect with yourself and your mind, and will help you develop the skills you need to understand yourself and how you deal with things. This leaves you better equipped to deal with any problems you may face in the future.
Once you are connected with yourself, you will also be able to connect better with other people. Your self-love and confidence will radiate out into all aspects of your life. In addition, if you are able to understand your own feelings and thought process, you will be able to apply these skills to your relationships with other people. You will be able to understand other people’s feelings better, leading to overall better relationships.
In the end, talking to a counsellor when things are good, will only help make those good things seem even better. You will get to reflect on what is going on in your life and highlight all the good things you have going on!
No matter where you are, there will be lots of counsellors available for you. Do your research and talk to a few to find the one that is right for you. The Mend Counseling, for those in the area, has a fantastic team of counsellors that are all equipped to help you out with whatever you want to talk about or work through.