Surrounded by massive mountain ranges lies the “Roof of the World”- the world’s highest and most isolated grassland plateau. Home to the over 40,000 Tibetan Buddhist monks, many commit thirteen years of their life to complete training.
It is here they come to understand the true nature of reality.
Walking down the alleyways you often experience random acts of kindness and pass by monks as they prostrate themselves in front of shrines. They attempt to free themselves from mental obstructions to attain a state of continuous bliss, enriched with understanding that there is an inherent emptiness of existence in all things.
In this mental state, Karma becomes unpolluted and suffering becomes impossible. When a monk attains enlightenment it removes all limitations on his ability to help other living beings, he is free to help others help realize that negative circumstances are simply a fabrication of the mind.
Photographer Wanson Luk drove 20 hours down an endless winding road to arrive in the surreal village of Sêrtar. His photos seem to document pure unadulterated tranquility.
Sources: Bored Panda