Gay dating app Grindr is pushing its users to vote this election for one very important reason

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP Grindr, a gay-dating app, is urging its American users to get out, get loud and vote. Before the huge presidential debate on September 26th, the app took a poll on their American users’ opinions on the upcoming election…

Want a day off work? Turns out your boss legally has to give you time off to vote

BY: JESSICA BEUKER “I’m too busy,” or “I work all day,” won’t cut it as reasonable excuses for not voting in the coming Canadian election. Because legally, your boss has to give you time off to vote. According to Federal…

Saudi Arabian women can now vote in municipal elections

BY: ZOE MELNYK Saudi Arabia made a leap forward this month by finally allowing woman to register to vote and run for municipal elections, but the battle for women’s rights and freedoms is far from over. The news surfaced last…

A feminist’s take on what’s wrong with feminism

BY: JESSICA BURDE I am a feminist. It is a label I embrace, and I’m proud of the achievements of the feminist movement. But I’m not blind to the flaws of feminism. From the earliest days of women’s suffrage, feminists…