Every part of this house is reusable and completely edible

BY: CAROLINE ROLF The amateur gardener is advised to start small, beginning with a patch in their backyard that is easy to maintain. Dutch architects ignored this recommendation when they created a space that is all garden. A thick sprawl…

Moss-growing concrete absorbs CO2, insulates and is also a vertical garden

BY: SWIKAR OLI  Sustainability has always been a game of catch up. The current energy production and construction trends mean that sustainability researchers have to come up with clever ways to lower emissions. Researchers at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)…

Gorgeous vertical farm lets city-dwellers become self-sustaining gardeners

BY: JESSICA BEUKER Living in a small space often means sacrificing the garden. Without access to a backyard, or sometimes any outdoor space at all, such as a balcony, growing your own fruits and veggies isn’t an option. Even those…