BY MIROSLAV TOMOSKI Inauguration Day On the morning of Inauguration Day there was a solemn air of silence as the city prepared for something it had equally anticipated and loathed for months. Donald J. Trump was to be sworn…
Hillary Clinton could call for a recount and Jill Stein just raised enough money to do it
BY: MIROSLAV TOMOSKI It’s back! And just in time for Thanksgiving! This election has reared its ugly head from the grave enough times to put Jason Voorhees and Freddy Kruger to such shame they would never return to haunt again.…
Dawn of the Final Day: Get used to hearing the words President Donald Trump
BY: MIROSLAV TOMOSKI At some point in the night, things got weird and there are no other words to describe the sharp burst of confused laughter that split the room when we realised it wasn’t a joke. President Elect, Donald…
How to navigate the US Presidential Election night
BY: ZOE MELNYK Does anyone else feel like this election has been going on for decades and that it would never actually end? Well, the day that basically everyone in the entire world has been waiting for is three days away on…
Trump is using an old Clinton strategy to tear down women and it’s backfiring
BY: MIROSLAV TOMOSKI Nothing good has ever come of a brooding late-night rant on social media. It’s often the kind of thing that is exclusive to jilted ex-lovers and sudden revelations that were discovered at the bottom of a bottle.…
Watching the presidential debate from Canada’s largest cannabis lounge
BY: MIROSLAV TOMOSKI What a night for the Great American Bloodsport! And what better place to watch it than from behind a well secured border with the Detroit River between us? Hyped-up to the level of a heavyweight match the…
A child is running Donald Trump’s campaign in one of Colorado’s largest counties
BY: MIROSLAV TOMOSKI A 12-year-old named Weston Imer is now in charge of Donald Trump’s campaign office in the town of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. At a population of over half a million, Jefferson County – which Imer’s office is in…
Naked statues of Trump have seared the eyes of Americans across the country (NSFW)
BY: MIROSLAV TOMOSKI The eyes of American commuters were scarred for life on Thursday as five naked statues of Donald Trump appeared in the streets of New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Cleveland. According to the Washington Post,…
Protesters wouldn’t let Trump get a word in during his scripted speech in Detroit
BY: MIROSLAV TOMOSKI Teleprompters on either side of the podium were Donald Trump’s best friends on Monday afternoon when he spoke in front of the Detroit Economic Club. The event was supposed to be an unveiling of his plan to…
Bernie delegates walked out on Clinton for the Green Party’s first female candidate
BY: MIROSLAV TOMOSKI The man with the llama said he was going to city hall and who were we to stop him? “It’s an alpaca,” He made a point to correct the passersby on the thirty-four-block hike up Broad Street.…
God, guns and the culture of blind fear at the Republican National Convention
BY: MIROSLAV TOMOSKI The circus has come to Cleveland and the streets are eerily quiet. Uniforms from South Carolina, Indiana, Georgia and California can be seen patrolling the streets on foot, bike and horse. The city was granted $50 million…
Cast Out in the Land of Chaos: A two party system doesn’t want your vote it wants your loyalty
BY: M.TOMOSKI There was no way into the event or any of the surrounding shops except through a funnel of cruisers a quarter mile away from the place where the Golden Don was holed up behind a wall of Secret…