What I learned by staying offline

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  Sometimes I think that we have too much time on our hands. Even though technology has amplified our societal, economic and familial obligations, we still have time. Time to scroll, to watch, to consume. Most of the…

These statistics prove how social media-obsessed the world was in 2016

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, WhatsApp and Tumblr. No, I’m not listing every social media outlet we have available to us, I just listed all the social media outlets that I personally use. Writing them out kind…

The death of the tweet and why I don’t believe Twitter was ever the platform

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  I hate Twitter. Yes, I know I’ve spoken against the gospel of social media, but it’s my opinion and I own it. I respect the revelation it’s ignited, paving the ability to instantaneously share breaking news and…

Is the rise of citizen reporting responsible for the death of journalism?

BY: AISHA ILYAD Explorations in today’s modern world, both in terms of quality and quantity is different – and preferable – than any other era in history. One example is the formation of the virtual world in parallel with the…

Research finds retweeting and resharing may actually hinder your learning abilities

BY: Adrian Smith Maybe social media isn’t the best place to share what you’re ‘learning’ online. After doing a couple of experiments, researchers at Cornell and Beijing University revealed that the cognitive effects of retweeting and re-sharing information online could be…

Disturbing quotes revealed from the real American Sniper, Chris Kyle

BY: KHADIJA KHAN American Sniper is proving to be brilliant propaganda that reveres American military aggression while conveying Hollywood’s most racist depiction of Arabs that is effectively legitimizing America’s constant bombing crusades across the Middle East. Where Clint Eastwood misses…