Scientists have turned spinach leaves into human heart tissue

BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS  The lucrative field of genetically-engineered organs and organ transplants gets stranger every day. In 2006, researchers started implanting fully-formed pig hearts into baboons; with the help of heavy anti-rejection medication, the baboons and their new tickers…

To tackle donor shortage, scientists have started growing our organs in pigs

BY: CAROLINE ROLF Known to science as chimeras – lab created embryos that are part human, part pig – could be a sustainable method of growing and harvesting transplant organs for patients in need. The ultimate goal is a future…

Baby-faced hipsters are dropping thousands of dollars on beard-transplants

BY: DANIEL KORN It’s a good time to be a dude with a beard. It used to be that a beard was a signifier of belonging to some sort of deviant subculture—a hippie, or a biker, or a metalhead. Now…

This neuroscientist thinks he can perform a human head transplant by 2017

BY: DANIEL KORN There’s a Philosophy 101 thought experiment called Theseus’s Ship. The paradox goes like this: say I have a wooden sailboat, and I want to replace every plank of wood on the thing one-by-one. The planks are made…