In 2005 (how long ago that seems!) ex-Presidential candidate Al Gore premiered “An Inconvenient Truth”, that seminal documentary that introduced the public at large to the concept of anthropogenic climate change, global warming and greenhouse gasses. Almost immediately, his radical…
This website gives you a home anywhere in the world for $99 a month
BY: SAMANTHA TAPP One day I hope to own my house; this is a goal nowhere in my foreseeable future, but nonetheless, it’s a goal. As millennials, like me, have grown up to reach our 20s, it seems that real…
10 vintage airline posters that will make you wish you experienced travel in 1970s America
BY: SAMANTHA TAPP Before the technology and social media we have today, airlines made posters to advertise their flights. These posters show a simpler time filled with sunshine, pastel colours and happy travellers. Designed by Sweney in 1974 – Arizona…
Watch the heart felt journey of a family divided by the US/Mexico border
Imagine only being able to see your father through a small hole in a metal fence, for only a few short moments. This is the reality for many families in the United States, as for various reasons, family members are…
Anti-immigrant vigilantes are patrolling the streets of Europe, and locals seem to be ok with it
BY: M. TOMOSKI Founded in September 2015 by Mika Ranta, a self-described neo-Nazi and ex-convict, the Soldiers of Odin (SOO) is a vigilante group that has spread across Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Norway, Denmark, the UK, Canada, the United States…