Suicide rate among teenage girls reaches a 40 year high – is social media to blame?

In recent years the rate of young women committing suicide has climbed and reached a 40 year high as of 2015. And as of 2008 psychology today stated that the average teenager has as much anxiety today as a mental patient…

Facebook boosts its suicide prevention tools in an effort to save lives

BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS   In an age where we can jet around the world in the space of a day and meet with anyone at any time through the power of the internet, it seems hard to believe that…

As environmental issues get worse, farmer suicide rates are getting alarmingly high

BY: JESSICA BEUKER It’s been three decades since the height of the farm crisis, when farmer suicide rates were at an all time high. Today the suicide rates among farmers are still high—the second highest of any job right now.…

People are actually wearing Kurt Cobain’s suicide note on their T-shirt for style points

BY: SINEAD MULHERN One of the Internet’s latest incomprehensibly stupid people has taken Kurt Cobain’s suicide letter, printed it on T-shirts and sold it on Etsy. Twitter exploded after one user tweeted a photo of the shirt along with the…