African-Albino models are redefining beauty in the west

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  Featured image of Thando Hopa courtesy of Instagram  Albinism is one of the most unrecognized and yet scorned conditions in the world. It is inherited, and occurs in all ethnic communities. Today, models like Diandra Forrest, a black-American supermodel…

Why I rarely want to talk about mental health because of my gender

BY: QUENTIN STUCKEY It’s remarkable how much mental health is becoming more open and less stigmatized. The popular tweet across the globe that surfaces on the International Bell Let’s Talk Day is typically: “It’s okay not to be okay.” Truer…

This woman is using poetry to give us an intimate look into her struggle with bulimia

BY: DUSTIN BATTY Eating disorders are such a taboo topic that people who struggle with them are usually hesitant to confide in even close friends or family. Kara-lee MacDonald, a young woman from northern British Columbia, combats this stigma with…