Is there anything worse than lying in bed waiting to fall asleep? Or maybe you’re like me and dread sleeping because you enter a world of twisted dreams. Whatever it is, sleeping can be difficult and if you’re having trouble…
Here are 6 reasons why you should be napping during your (work)day
As we get older we tend to try and fight daytime tiredness with an espresso or Red Bull. But did you know there is actually a better way? Taking a nap! That’s right guys, naps are not just for kids.…
How to fall asleep: 4 easy breathing techniques to make you fall asleep
You’ve heard it before and you are going to hear it again: breathing is a powerful tool. There’s a reason you are hearing this you know – because it is true! Meditation can seem intimidating to people who have never…
Naked and asleep: why sleeping nude is best
BY: NADIA ZAIDI Let it hang between the sheets. In fact, why cover at all? A recent study shows that uninhibited (that’s one way of putting it) sleepers enjoy more perks of life. In fact, they’re also wealthier than pyjama-wearing snobs.…
How to fall asleep in under one minute using this simple breathing pattern
BY: TED BARNABY If you’re like me, it probably takes you anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to fall asleep at night. However, I recently learned a breathing pattern that allows me to fall asleep in as little as…
Why people who sleep in are actually smarter than early risers
BY: TED BARNABY Believe it or not, researchers have actually determined that people who stay up late and sleep in all morning are typically more intelligent than those early to bed and early to rise. The original hypothesis was formed,…
Beginner’s Guide To Lucid Dreaming- You Spend One Third Of Your Life Asleep
BY: KARMUN KHOO ‘Lucid dreaming’ is used to describe dreams whereby the dreamer is aware that they are in a dream. The term was coined by Dutch psychiatrist, Frederik van Eeden, but the idea of lucid dreams predates the scientific…
Sleep deprivation could be the root of the student mental health crisis
BY: LILITH We’ve all been there. You procrastinated a bit too long on that paper and now you have one night left to cough up 5,000 words on how the minor characters in Macbeth somehow sparked the First Gulf War.…