BY: SAMANTHA TAPP I think there was a collective sigh of relief worldwide as SeaWorld finally gave in and ended its orca breeding program and vowed to slowly but surely halt its killer whale shows all together. Animal activists, whale…
SeaWorld is now getting rid of its killer whale show entirely – but only in San Diego
BY: SYDNEY MCINNIS If you’ve ever seen Blackfish or have visited a SeaWorld yourself, then you’ve certainly witnessed the theatrical, and extremely controversial, Shamu show, which sees killer whales performing flipping and diving tricks through dancing fountains, led by a…
California puts an expiry date on SeaWorld by banning the breeding of killer whales
BY: JESSICA BEUKER On Thursday, the California Coastal Commission approved a $100 million expansion of killer whale tanks in SeaWorld San Diego—but with conditions. In a last minute amendment that followed the daylong meeting, the commission banned the breeding…