Paris is spreading the love by selling their old love locks to raise money for refugees

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP The City of Love has found a new way to spread the love. The famous trend of attaching locks to bridges in Paris has been a symbol of love for citizens and tourists since 2008. Last year,…

As refugees flee for their lives, here are the important items they chose to bring with them

BY: CONNOR BRIAN Currently, we are experiencing what the European Commission has dubbed the world’s worst refugee crisis since the Second World War. More than 50 million people were displaced in 2014 and floods more are cramming into tiny rubber…

Wealthy businessman buys $8 million rescue boat and saves thousands of migrants in makeshift vessels

BY:  MATTHEW CHIN Civil unrest in parts of the Middle East has left many citizens to gamble between makeshift boats on the open ocean and the danger ashore. Taking to the sea, many are trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea…