The future is bright; its colours, sights and sounds more vibrant and steeped in a better understanding of our consciousness and it’s brought to you by the wonders of psychedelic science. It is a field of study with a storied…
Shane Mauss is Using Stand Up Comedy to Promote the Therapeutic Benefits of Psychedelics
BY: TIM O’NEAL Describing a psychedelic experience to someone is a lot like telling them about the dream you had last night. It’s impossible to put the visual images, profound emotions, and staggering new connections and insights into words, and…
This FDA-approved study is using ecstasy to treat PTSD
BY: MIROSLAV TOMOSKI The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) out of Santa Cruz, California has been approved by the FDA to conduct a series of six studies into whether MDMA can help those with treatment-resistant PTSD. Researchers believe that…
Psychedelic therapy removes the negative experiences surrounding hallucinogenics
BY: SYDNEY MCINNIS Psychedelics: a collection of chemicals that are meant to expand consciousness. This expansion of awareness is explored by people for all sorts of purposes, many of which are explored in the book Be Here Now by Ram…
Apparently, psychedelic shroom experiences are the key to quitting smoking
BY: TYLER FYFE Coffee breaks, car rides, drinks with friends—all have become high-wires forcing participation in a game of mental acrobatics. I’m sitting at my desk chewing on the back of a plastic pen. My co-worker has a sickening smirk…