How is horse racing still a thing?

BY RHIANN MOORE Animal Aid, with the assistance of cosmetic superheroes Lush, have set out to end horse racing in Britain.  Through their campaign they are hoping to expose the salacious details of Thoroughbred deaths, approximately 200 horses a year,…

Japan says no to animal cruelty by closing its last remaining fur farm

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP If you live in Japan and want a locally made fur coat, you’re out of luck. Animal activists in Japan can count 2016 as a huge success, as the last fur farm in Japan finally closed its doors…

Florida just made it legal to break into a hot car to rescue a child or animal

BY: JESSICA BEUKER Florida Governor Rick Scott has passed a bill legalizing breaking into locked vehicles to rescue pets and people that are believed to be in danger of suffocation or harm. The law, which also extends to the rescue…

After the drug companies didn’t need them, these lucky chimps spend their days in Chimp Heaven

  By: JACK M. The discussion of the use of animals in biomedical research is as contentious and controversial as it is divisive and alienating. The subjects involved range from frogs, mice, cats and dogs, up to and including the…

Eating Live Fish Might Just Be The Most Sadistic Meal On Earth (Video)

BY: TED BARNABY Ying Yang fish and Ikizukuri are delicacies in China and Japan, respectively. If you’re ever in the neighbourhood and feeling adventurous, these dishes are guaranteed to be the freshest seafood you’ve ever eaten. And I’m not talking…