BY: SHAWTAE HARRIS Gloucestershire, England will have a new Eco Park that features a technology hub connected to a stadium. Zaha Hadid Architects is planning to build a glasshouse-like structure and bridge that will connect to the world’s first wooden football…
America is getting an urban nature area 10 times bigger than Central Park
BY: CHARLOTTE LEFAVE A brand new park is being kick-started by Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates in Dallas, Texas, around the Trinity River. The park will be the biggest Urban Nature Park in America, 10 times bigger than New York’s Central…
In 2018, New York City will get the world’s first underground park
BY: TED BARNABY New York continues to perpetuate its self-claimed tittle as “greatest city in the world” with the construction of the world’s first underground park. The underground park—complete with sunlight, trees, grass and all natural green space—is rising from…