The quickest route to true happiness is learning not to give a crap

BY: NADIA ZAIDI It’s fairly difficult to stop caring what other people think, but it’s kind of mandatory if you want to live a life that makes you happy. Bare with me as I delve into a stream of consciousness. I…

Despite the “It gets better” mantra, bullying doesn’t end after high school

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  Bullying is a global school-wide epidemic and should be treated as one. Despite the zero-tolerance policies implemented in classrooms across the country, suicide remains the leading cause of death amongst youth – in large part due to…

A lack of real world connections is turning us all into entitled douchebags

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  We know that chivalry is more or less dead. But now it seems like chivalry’s well-known cousin, manners, has followed close behind. I am really surprised by the amount of people who walk around with their heads…

Vloggers are making thousands of dollars by eating excessive amounts of food online (video)

BY: NADIA ZAIDI People all over the Internet are posting videos of themselves eating big, sometimes lavish, meals. Sometimes they don’t say a word; other times, they engage in table talk, as though you are actually sitting beside them. These…

Why I wish people would stop asking me what I do for a living

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  When people ask me what I do for a living I often find it a difficult question, and not because I don’t have a job — because I don’t think of what I do as work, per…

We need to change the language of news

BY: NADIA ZAIDI Islamic terrorism and Islamic extremist are words that should be eliminated from the vernacular of news and global dialogue. It ruptures any semblance of objectivity, and our ability to decipher between individual acts and religion. Nothing good comes…

Menstrual leave might actually become a work policy

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  Only a woman can understand the pains (and blessings) of menstruation. That’s a fact. You can’t understand something that you’ve never experienced. Periods are quite an enigma, and one of the biggest equity issues around the world.…

What I learned by staying offline

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  Sometimes I think that we have too much time on our hands. Even though technology has amplified our societal, economic and familial obligations, we still have time. Time to scroll, to watch, to consume. Most of the…