The Gold and the Golpe: The hectic nature of hosting the Olympics while impeaching your president

BY: ADAM THRUSH August 2016 will go down as one of the most memorable in Brazilian history. South America’s first ever Olympics were hosted in Rio de Janeiro and, on the last day of the month, their president was impeached…

Superstitious Behaviours are Helping Instead of Hindering Athletes

By: Jocelyn Schwalm The phenomenon of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or O.C.D. involves repeating a behavior obsessively in order to get rid of unwanted thoughts or urges. The psychological disorder typically accompanies anxiety disorders and can manifest itself in many ways, but who…

The first ever refugee team is making history at the 2016 Olympic Games

By: Jocelyn Schwalm This year’s Olympics are a far cry from the usual fun-spirited world games that take place every four years.  Suffice to say, the lead up to this year’s Olympic Games has not garnered the traditional hype that usually surrounds this type of global…