BY: NADIA ZAIDI Featured Illustration by Xulin Wang Men’s Mental Health Awareness Day was on June 13, 2017, and it served as a reminder that men, too, can suffer from anxiety, depression and a range of mental illnesses. The constructs…
What is Somatic symptom disorder?
BY: NADIA ZAIDI Illustration by Xulin Wang It’s normal to worry about your health — in fact, it’s often necessary. A growing mole, or a heart flutter warrants concern. Showing your doctor suspect growths or sensations is responsible, sensible, and preventable. But for some…
Facebook boosts its suicide prevention tools in an effort to save lives
BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS In an age where we can jet around the world in the space of a day and meet with anyone at any time through the power of the internet, it seems hard to believe that…