The factors that make up the horror that is the American prison system includes the ineptitude of the poorly underfunded public defenders. It is estimated that public defenders take on 1000 clients per year (more than 3 per day, every…
To combat post-election frustrations, artist turns letter-writing into a form of female empowerment
BY: KIRSTEN POWLEY We’ve all heard someone call letter-writing a lost art form and when you think about it, when was the last time you picked up a pen to write a personalized note to someone you know, apart from…
23 beautifully illustrated letters by Van Gogh, Warhol, Kahlo, etc. show the long-lost art of hand writing.
BY: JOHN DILLON “Letter writing is probably the most beautiful manifestation in human relations, in fact, it is its finest residueā€¯ writes artist John Graham in a letter to his wife. Long before our hours were consumed with texting, tweeting,…