It’s not just Hollywood, racial diversity falls from priority in industries across the board

BY: MARIYA GUZOVA Apple shareholder Antonio Avian Maldonado recently submitted a proposal for a new recruitment policy that would bring more women and racial minorities into Apple’s senior management and board of directors. Currently, 15 out of the 18 people…

In Hollywood, not having a penis is a barrier to both funding and power (Infographic)

BY: DANIEL WATERBOURNE Hollywood has a diversity problem. Behind the camera and in front of the camera there is a common thread. Although visible minorities constitute nearly half of the American population, the difference in creative and onscreen representation between…

Disturbing quotes revealed from the real American Sniper, Chris Kyle

BY: KHADIJA KHAN American Sniper is proving to be brilliant propaganda that reveres American military aggression while conveying Hollywood’s most racist depiction of Arabs that is effectively legitimizing America’s constant bombing crusades across the Middle East. Where Clint Eastwood misses…