Pro-anorexia websites need to be criminalized

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  At a time when hate speech and propaganda are igniting civil and world conflict, filtering what we read online is of paramount importance. Currently, there are underground websites that promote eating disorders, and they should be criminalized.…

Constantly searching for love and trying to find your soulmate is actually bad news

BY: CHARLOTTE LEFAVE The idea of True Love is infused into everything girls are exposed to growing up. It’s a fantasy we’re born into. As soon as you hit puberty, love becomes a realistic goal you should be striving for,…

A look inside the brilliant new feminist magazine that’s empowering girls ages 5 to 10

BY: KRUPA JOSEPH  “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,” Eleanor Roosevelt once rightly said. The meaning is quite apparent – success is for those who dream of it. But the world that we…