Meet the man who is increasing food quality and quantity in Africa

Few continents in the world have had quite a time of it as Africa. The proverbial cradle of humanity, the continent and its inhabitants have suffered a variety of catastrophes over the centuries, some inflicted by humans and some not.…

Earth-friendly food – How we can save the world by changing our diets

It’s no exaggeration to say that our food eating habits are the biggest long term threat to the environment. In the wake of the depressing news that the Brazilian government has just passed a bill to destroy up to 860,000…

This environmentally friendly pesticide may change farming forever

BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS Springtime arrives once more to banish the icy hand of winter from our frosty cities, and again the Earth renews itself in preparation for another long and bountiful summer. For you and I, springtime probably means…

Alternative highschools use different learning strategies to teach students

BY: ELIJAH BASSETT For many of us, the word “school” evokes thoughts of long, drawn-out hours spent hunched over desks while teachers talk at us, but more and more educators are realizing that it doesn’t have to be that way.…

This filmmaker sheds light on the poor treatment of foreign farmers in Canada

BY: CAROLINE ROLF For more than 50 years, migrant workers come to Canada to tend to our fields, work in our orchards and toil inside our greenhouses. We may put a lot of thought into what produce we’re putting on…

This peaceful village overlooks the world’s most spectacular mountainside marijuana grow-op

BY: CAROLINE ROLF Nine thousand feet up the Indian Himalayas, small villages thrive on what little is able to grow there. What is able to grow in the wild has police searching the cliffs with saws to stop its illegal…

New solar powered floating farm can produce 8,152 tonnes of vegetables and 1,703 tonnes of fish a year

Javier F. Ponce and his team recently developed a sustainable floating garden system, run off of solar power, and estimated to produce over 8,152 tonnes of vegetables and 1,703 tonnes of fish a year. Ponce is an architect and founder…