Despite the “It gets better” mantra, bullying doesn’t end after high school

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  Bullying is a global school-wide epidemic and should be treated as one. Despite the zero-tolerance policies implemented in classrooms across the country, suicide remains the leading cause of death amongst youth – in large part due to…

7 myth-busted brain “facts” you always thought were true

BY: KHADIJA KHAN The brain is an incredible organ responsible for controlling our central nervous system, keeping us walking, talking, breathing and thinking. It’s also extraordinarily complex and mysterious. While researchers are still uncovering the secrets of how the brain…

“Facts” you were lied to about in school

BY: TED BARNABY Try beginning a statement—any statement—with “scientists have proven,” followed by a string of miscellaneous bullshit. Likely, you’ll receive little more than a congenial head-nod and an “Oh, isn’t that interesting!” without any further consideration from your recipient…