Trump Forest makes environmentalism great again

The year is 2093. A hover-bus full of students disembark from their futuristic transport and look around at the sylvan glen around them – a green oasis so different from the hustle and bustle of regular future life. Deer frolic…

Which countries are (and will be) leading the renewable energy revolution?

In the words of Bob Marley, the times are a-changing. Unfortunately, change can take a while to truly kick in, and that’s what we’re learning as we struggle to overhaul an energy economy for the needs of the 21st century.…

Lack of environmental awareness is still a problem, but the bigger issue is lack of action

BY: DUSTIN BATTY Since Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring brought environmental concerns to the public eye in 1962, there has been a steadily increasing awareness of humanity’s many unsustainable practices. Despite this increased awareness, though, most people still take little to…